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Quality Craft Supplies Ranging From the Usual to the Not So Usual, Delivered To Your Door
Excellent Customer Service - Fast Shipping - Online since 1994!

In business since 1985. Online since 1994. We sincerely thank you for supporting family owned small businesses!

Give us a call from 8am to 6pm Mon-Fri. We are available to answer questions or to take your order.
(361) 645-3325

 Ordering and Payment Information

   BJ's Craft Supplies

We strive hard to process your order within 24 hours. However, during the holiday season, generally from August - December, our processing times may take from 2-3 days because of the high volume of orders we receive. Please be sure to place your order early during this time.

We fill all orders in the order in which they were received, however, we will process rush orders if requested. Plese read below for more information about Fast-Track Processing.

Orders will be shipped after payment has been received. Be sure to read our Shipping Policy.


Ordering Instructions:

By placing an order with us you are acknowledging that you have read and agree to abide by our Terms of Service .   Your order cannot be processed if full payment, including shipping charges is not received.  Texas residents only must include sales tax or sales tax exemption information.  We currently accept orders by phone, shopping cart, or regular mail only. We now ship to the U.S., Canada, U.K., Australia and other countries. Please do not send your credit card information by email.  Regular email is not a secure medium.  We are not responsible for any problems or losses resulting from sending your credit card information via email.

We offer a convenient shopping cart for you, however we do not have an automated tracking system. We send you an email with your tracking # and a copy of your invoice once we process your order. Please whitelist our address, [email protected], to be sure to get your email receipt.

For your convenience we also provide an easy to use order form in downloadable format.. We will accept orders in your own format, however, please be sure to include all of the information required to fill your order and include a note that you have read and agree to abide by our Terms of Service. Failure to include all necessary information may result in delays due to lack of needed information or errors when filling your order.

Minimum order amount:

Product Variances and Product Count Variances:
Please read our Terms of Service for information.

Information to include with your order (if ordering using our order form):

To insure that your order will be shipped and that you will receive the correct items in your order the following information must be included with every item ordered: 
  • Your name, your full shipping address, and zip code. For your protection, if paying by credit card, we also require your credit card billing address and CVC number from the back of your card to prevent fraud and theft. A valid day time phone number or email address is required to be able to contact you should we have a question about your order. Your order WILL be delayed if we are unable to contact you about a problem.

    Finding your CVC Code
  • Your information is safe with us. Please be assured that we NEVER use your phone number or email address for anything other than contacting you regarding your order.
  • If you prefer not to provide us with a phone number or email address then we ask that you call us the next day to make sure we had no problems filling your order or processing your payment.
  • Item # and Description of product
  • Color # and Name of color (if applicable)
  • Quantity of items/packages/sets ordered
    Be sure that you understand how many pieces come in each item/package/set ordered.
    Example: If there 10 pieces in a package and you want 20 pieces you will order 2 packages. Craft Supply Depot is not responsible for misstated quantities ordered.
  • Price per each item/package/set
  • Signed order form. You must sign your order form where indicated regardless of your payment method if you are faxing or mailing your order to us..
We are not responsible for the accuracy of any order that does not contain all of the above information.  Please read our Terms of Service for more information.

 Fast-Track Processing:

We fill all orders in the order in which they were received. However, Fast-Track Processing service is now offered to those who need their order processed immediately. Fast-Track Processing insures that your order will be processed and be readied for shipping on the same day that your order is received. Due to USPS route schedules orders filled after 9am may not ship until next day.

Your order will be shipped out by regular shipping methods* on the same day if received by 9am (Central Time). Orders received after 9am with Fast-Track Processing will be processed and readied for shipping but will ship next day if the mail has already cycled for that day..

Fast-Track Processing DOES NOT include any type of special or rush shipping arrangements. Rush shipping charges are additional and must be specifically requested by the customer. If you need your order to be shipped using an overnight service we must receive your order by 9am Central Time.

* Regular shipping methods are via USPS.

Fast-Track Processing is $5.00, non refundable.


  • We currently accept payment in U.S. currency only, in the form of credit card* and PayPal.
  • Effective December 1, 2013 we no longer accept checks without prior approval, however we will accept US Postal Service money orders.
  • Sorry, but we are unable to accept C.O.D. orders at this time. Payment is due at the time you place your order.
  • There will be a $40.00 charge added to all checks returned for any reason.
  • Mail money order payments to the address listed below.

*We accept Discover, MasterCard, American Express and Visa credit cards.  For your protection all credit card orders should be sent to us by phone, fax, or regular mail.  ***DO NOT send your credit card information by unsecure email. Due to increasing fraud and theft problems with credit cards we have increased our security. For your protection and for ours, if paying by credit card, we now require and verify your credit card billing address and CVC number from the back of your card. We cannot accept your credit card without this information. We reserve the right to refuse your payment by credit card if we suspect an authorized usage problem.

We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover and PayPal


Currency Conversion: (click here for offsite currency conversion website)
We provide a link to this currency conversion website as a courtesy only. We are in no way affilliated with their site. You may find this site helpful to use as a gauge for converting currency into US Dollars.  Craft Supply Depot (formerly BJ's Craft Supplies) is not responsible for any erroneous information that may be supplied by them. 

***We are not responsible for any losses or damage resulting from a customer sending his credit card information in email.

We accept orders from verified PayPal accounts only.  Be sure to include a daytime phone number, your name, and enough information with your PayPal payment so that we can match up your payment with your order, if sent separately. Failure to provide enough information for us to match up your payment with your order will result in unnecessary delays of processing your order.

 Sales Tax:

Texas residents and packages shipping to Texas addresses must add 6.25% sales tax to their order. Residents of other states do not pay Texas Sales Taxes.

Exemptions: If you are shipping to Texas and are exempt from Texas sales tax we must have a copy of your tax exemption on file before your order ships in order to remove tax from your order. You may mail or fax it to us at the number or address below.

 Mailing address and other contact information:

Address: Craft Supply Depot
661 Abrameit Rd
Goliad, TX  77963
Phone: (361)   645-3325
Email: Contact Us


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© Copyright, 1994-2025, Craft Supply Depot, sister site to BJ's Craft Supplies, All rights reserved, Craft Supply Depot.   661 Abrameit Rd, Goliad, TX  77963.
Click our phone number to call us at (361) 645-3325          h000