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Home   >  Rhinestones   >  Cabochons (1)

Flat Back Baseballs & Mitts

Baseballs & Mitts Flat Back

Product Description:
Cabochons are adhesive embellishments created from a resin based material. While their tops are full of dimension and detail, Cabochons flat back make them easy to adhere to almost any surface. This package of baseball mitts, and baseballs is perfect for embellishing sports themed cards, scrapbook pages, back packs, shoes, barettes and more! Sheet measures 4 x 5 inches. 12 pieces per sheet. 1 sheet per package
General Information:
Cabochons are flatbacked pieces, great for making jewelry or decorating your favorite project. Gemocite cabochons have the look of gemstones without the cost.
Qty per Package: 12 pieces (1 sheet)
Item #: EK50-20945
Price: 6.99
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