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Beaded Safety Pin Christmas Tree Kit

Christmas Tree Kit

Product Description:
This beaded Safety Pin Christmas Tree Kit is our largest tree and comes with beads, silver wire, silver safety pins, lights, star and instructions to make 1 beaded Christmas Tree. This 18" tree has almost 3 times as many beads and safety pins as the 12" tree so it is a larger, more full Christmas tree. Ideal for tabletop or window sill, mantel and as table decorations. A beaded Christmas Tree is perfect for offices, dorms, RV's and other small places. Give them as gifts. Will you be on vacation this Christmas? Make one of these special beaded lighted Christmas trees for your RV or motel room. Easy to carry along, no parts to keep up with. Finished size is slightly larger than the gold pin tree. This tree uses more beads, is one row taller and is approximately 18" tall and 10" wide at widest point.
Pattern original by Craft Supply Depot!
Crystal Tree
Silver Safety Pins
Lights Included

IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the weight and size of this kit it cannot be shipped 1st class. The most economical method we have found is Ground Advantage or Medium Flat Rate Box.
General Information:
Lighted Christmas decorations and ornaments for your holiday season. Make these lighted, beaded Christmas Trees and snowmen in your favorite color!
Size: 18" Tall
Qty per Package: Kit
Item #: 8022-010
Price: 69.99

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